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Beach Overlook (Michiana, MI) | bo-03.jpg

Michigan's unique and fragile sand dunes are protected by minimizing the impacts within designated critical dunes areas along the Great Lakes shoreline. The protected dune configuration of this property required a simple rectangular plan to avoid steep slopes on three sides. Expansive fenestration and an open plan provide views of Lake Michigan from the major living spaces. Low maintenance materials enhance the casual, eclectic style of this carefree beach house.

Michigan's unique and fragile sand dunes are protected by minimizing the impacts within designated critical dunes areas along the Great Lakes shoreline. The protected dune configuration of this property required a simple rectangular plan to avoid steep slopes on three sides. Expansive fenestration and an open plan provide views of Lake Michigan from the major living spaces. Low maintenance materials enhance the casual, eclectic style of this carefree beach house.

Beach Overlook

Beach Overlook